Monday, February 21, 2011



Linh drawing on her mole because the i.d. that she borrowed to get into Northcote Social Club had a mole.

Obviously my phone's camera does no justice to how amazing the show was, but The Like were so so so freaken amazing! I usually hate girlbands but they are so so so fine. It was so sweet seeing them singing and swaying and dancing and laughing (the drummer was laughing through the whole set aw) on stage. Not to mention how beautiful they all are. It really is unfair when girls are both sexy and talented. So very jealous of how darling they are. I would very much like to thank Linh ( for buying me a ticket for my birthday and taking me with her. Aw, despite my hang over I had the best time ever. Danke schoen!

Annie, the keyboardist, who I think is my new favourite was such a baaaabe on stage. She just seemed so unbelievably cool during the set and was nice enough to take a photo with us.

Tennessee Thomas who not only had pink drumsticks, but giggled throughout the whole set, was the first to come out and chill with everyone. She was so sweet, she complimented Linh's music note dress (which i wish i got a photo of) and my daisy necklace. Aw!


Which is exactly what I wanted

(how cute is that)

nywho, all I've done pretty much since graduating from those six gloomy years that we call "fucking highschool" is go out, sleep in and watch tv. Excellent! That is exactly what I needed and now I can throw myself into uni and be really productive...

Not. Fuck my life, I'm still so tired as shit from zero hours of sleep (despite waking up at roughly one in the afternoon everyday,) it is going to be hard to get back into a routine. But this might be good for me. It will be nice to throw myself into something different. Something independent, something grown up. Ooooh I'm growing. But yes this whole routine thing will be nice to get into. I've been out of the loop lately. I haven't even been blogging as much as I used to because honestly it's just been nice (and oddly depressing at times) to just lie in bed all day and do nothing. If i felt like putting some clothes on then I would, and I felt like company then I would leave the house. I guess now I just have to get my shit together and I have to leave the house. Considering my reputation for tardiness, this could be hard.

I'm kind of getting pumped for my first ever class tomorrow. I have a 'Tech101' class which starts at 8:30 am (FUCK MY LIFE) and then a fashion business class which goes from 1;30 to 4:30. Considering that I am studying Bachelor of Fashion at Boxhill Insitute and that I live in the Western suburbs, yes, it does take me around two hours to get to class. But this isn't like high school. I want to be there. I chose this course. I fought and I worked for it. So that's different. It sucks that I have to wake up at probably around five but oh well. It's my first class and I have to be there and I have to be ready and I have to be prepared. On Orientation this dude (i have no idea who he was because I rocked up late, looool) was giving a talk to the new first years about how this was truly a chance for us to start afresh and reinvent ourselves. I'm really holding onto that to motivate me with this new stage of schooling. It's hard having a close friend from high school do the same course and the same school as you let alone in the same class (it's nice to have a friend) but in terms of this whole 'new you' think, I guess that does make it a little hard, but this is my chance and I feel really driven for once. Year 12 never really brought out that passion in me, even though I was doing subjects that I loved in the back of my head it was always just highschool and I knew that life was no where close to starting yet. And now that I'm here doing the course that I love, I dunno. I just feel ready. Scared, out of my comfort zone, and okay maybe not ready and more under-prepared but I have this drive inside of me that just wants to show people that I am not that girl anymore and that I can do something great.

Well, I hope.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I would love to volunteer for the Loreal Melbourne Fashion Festival because....

EVERYTHING I'M SAYING IS TURNING INTO A MESS! Ahh, i'm so nervous for my interview tomorrow!

Monday, February 7, 2011