I'm listening to Coldplay on repeat, how the fuck do you think things are?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
You run to the mirror and pretend that you're trying to get dust out of your eye. You get a full fringe and you let your bangs fall to cover your eyes. Then you sit at your desk and pretend to do your homework, too concerned with sentence structure and highlighting to look up at those around you. It's fool proof.

I'm listening to Coldplay on repeat, how the fuck do you think things are?
I'm listening to Coldplay on repeat, how the fuck do you think things are?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them. |
Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them. |
It's Sunday. Two Sundays ago I said I would get a haircut.
It's almost ten oclock on a Sunday night and I still look the same as two weeks ago. Nothing has changed. Well on my behalf I did wake up and tell mum I needed to get one but she said dad was busy. Despite how much I hate change and how i made my friends promise me that they would never ever let me get a fringe again, I actually need to get a hair cut, for reasons that I can't even begin to explain. But even more, recently I think i need it for the same reason that I've wanted all those things pictured above. And I hate needing things, so if this hair cut doesn't come before Saturday I am going to have a very anxious emo Zab week.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010

Well I should have been doing homework tonight but I didn't do any, nor did I do any this entire weekend. So here's some photos from last night, the maaarvellous Joanne's 18th. There was fairy lights, yellow and blue, a trampoline, lots of crackers and dip and lots of 'OMG' and 'Alejandro' playing (although I really wanted Anyway by Ducksauce because its me and Isabel's art song but when i finally found it on the cd i did something and the player stopped working and i think for ten minutes people just sang their own songs in their drunken haze whilst continuing to dance) and a McDonalds down the road so what more could you ask for. I was going to post some photos from the entire week that I've missed out on but my heads about to explode from the amount of alcohol and other substances that I've taken this weekend (which explains why I'm cat-faced on most of the photos from last night because I did not look like a normal person at all) so fuck me dead I need some sleep.

Here's the cat hoodie I made. Im too scared I might cut the ears wrong so I'm leaving it as a mouse for now.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I'm inadequate. What can you do?
Thank god I don't have any mid year exams or I would be very fucked seeing as I'm feeling a little low on life and struggling so see the point in even the simplest of things. I'm feeling a little morose and nothing cheers me up more than finding other equally morose things in forms of movies, pictures and songs. Oh, and also looking at amazing shoes and things with cats printed on them (yes, specifically that pair of cat print heels)
Monday, June 7, 2010
A well deserved break,
after spending the entire day freaking out about why my artwork was pink when it was never meant to be pink to begin with. A lot of things went right today only after having them go horribly wrong. Firstly I could find the glue refills for my hot glue gun. Whilst applying only ten cm's worth of glue to my mask I thought it would be cool to leave a message inside the mask like those hearts that get put into those bears at Build-A-Bear. But whilst juggling a hot glue gun and trying to remember where I placed the refills all I had to time to scrawl on the yellow piece of paper was 'the wallflower'. Yeah no shit. But its already hidden away and sealed shut, i just wish I had written something more meaningful or poetic. No shit its a wallflower, that's what I intend on naming the piece anyway. But what pissed me off the most was not heaving ten plates from the cupboard to place onto the mask so that it would actually stick to the board (because stupid me, me the way the paper mache dried made it hard to just let the mask stick to the board easily) was painting the goddamn thing. Because it was so big, it was really hard to keep the colour consistent. Looking back, i should have a made a bucketful of the mixture I made up but I didn't have a bucket, i had a tupperware cover as my paint pallette and i could only mix a limited amount of paint at a time. So pretty much everytime I needed more paint, the colour changed which is how i got that five-toned pink piece of shit. I don't even know how it turned pink, it was more of a creamy pink to begin with and as I kept making more paint it just got darker and darker. When I took a photo of it I realized what i had done and by the time i realized that it a.) should not be so pink and b.) should not be splotchy and all around shit I ran out of white paint. Like actually used that whole tube on that pink catastrophe. At this point I really wanted to just burn the whole thing and somehow smoke the ashes so i ran to the computer to tell Isabel about my new plan when as I sat down at my desk i found this white tube of paint from years ago in my Pencil jar. And whatever, it was really runny and shit but I needed it and so that's how i finally got my artwork to look more how it was supposed to and less pink. Anyway, as you can see from the second last photo I still couldn't get that last right corner right but in the end i did (well not really its still a different shade but i really don't give a shit anymore)
Anyway that was all pretty pointless and irrelevant but I just thought this whole day was a joke and I can most likely use some of this in an annotation about how much I fucking hate art for my folio. (just kidding I like art i just hate actually doing things)
But yeah future reference for that colour that basically took up my whole monday, start off with a shitload of white paint, then litterally one centimetre of yellow and then gradually mix the magenta in. And everytime I got frustrated and squirted more magenta in, the whole mixture just got fucked over which is probably why it got so pink to begin with.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
CAT FOR LASHES: (um) says (1:40 PM):
Ill use my eyeliner sharpener or someshitt
I really want a cat
IT actually breaks my heart that i dont have one
When im eighteen can youand the girls get me a cat
I dontcare what my parents ay
Nam says (1:41 PM):
*ahahha sure
a fat
CAT FOR LASHES: (um) says (1:41 PM):
Im blogging this conversation
Nam says (1:42 PM):
you must be bored
CAT FOR LASHES: (um) says (1:42 PM):
but no really i just want a cat haahhaa
Nam says (1:43 PM):
Ill use my eyeliner sharpener or someshitt
I really want a cat
IT actually breaks my heart that i dont have one
When im eighteen can youand the girls get me a cat
I dontcare what my parents ay
Nam says (1:41 PM):
*ahahha sure
a fat
CAT FOR LASHES: (um) says (1:41 PM):
Im blogging this conversation
Nam says (1:42 PM):
you must be bored
CAT FOR LASHES: (um) says (1:42 PM):
but no really i just want a cat haahhaa
Nam says (1:43 PM):
Friday, June 4, 2010
While cleaning my room I found the rocks that Jill and Julie wrote for me. A while ago I told them to write whatever they were feeling on a rock and to leave it somewhere (y'know, write down whatever angsty/sad/shit thing you want and leave it behind as a way of letting go of that angsty/sad/shit thing). But being us, we just ended up writing sweet little messages to eachother at lunchtime like the little Catholic School girls that we are. I can't find the rock that I wrote for myself, being me I wrote something really emo and didn't leave it behind because I'm a loser who doesn't know how to let go of things. But these rocks really cheer me up :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I haven't printscreened in a while and I think this is the longest printscreen I've ever done, but ohmygawd this film clip was amazing. I know no one actually reads or looks at these but I honestly get so much joy out of printscreening. Yes, I'm sure something is wrong with me but whatevs. If I could, I would printscreen every second of this, but you might aswell just youtube it yourself. I love her chunky rings and and blue nails and bubble bath and highwaisted swimmers and rollers and ohmygawd, did I mention that I loved this video clip?! The blue nails and chunky gold rings kinda reminds me of Sofia Loren or some amazing golden age actress like that.
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