Well I should have been doing homework tonight but I didn't do any, nor did I do any this entire weekend. So here's some photos from last night, the maaarvellous Joanne's 18th. There was fairy lights, yellow and blue, a trampoline, lots of crackers and dip and lots of 'OMG' and 'Alejandro' playing (although I really wanted Anyway by Ducksauce because its me and Isabel's art song but when i finally found it on the cd i did something and the player stopped working and i think for ten minutes people just sang their own songs in their drunken haze whilst continuing to dance) and a McDonalds down the road so what more could you ask for. I was going to post some photos from the entire week that I've missed out on but my heads about to explode from the amount of alcohol and other substances that I've taken this weekend (which explains why I'm cat-faced on most of the photos from last night because I did not look like a normal person at all) so fuck me dead I need some sleep.

Here's the cat hoodie I made. Im too scared I might cut the ears wrong so I'm leaving it as a mouse for now.
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