I love this photo of Jess! I wonder if she likes it. Well she should, she looks like she doesn't give a fucccck about anything and like she's going to do something bad.
Speaking of something bad, she said she got me a little present today which is good and I think I might know what it is which is bad. Not bad as in it's a bad present but bad as in me and her can act very bad ass with it on friday mornings when we go have breakfast before school when we come in late, yaaaaaaaay. I cannot wait! Let's just say I have burnt myself several times trying to light matches and I feel like the biggest loser carrying a matchbox around. I can't wait! Although I am not letting her use it since she's been getting horrible migraines lately, tut tut.

And here's a picture of the both of us, me pink faced from being silly and perhaps finishing the Passion Pop (HA) and most likely Jess trying to make the eel face.