So lately I have been a bit of a sophomore slump. Yknow, the usual lack in one's self/people/wearing the colour salmon (it's a really nice colour but I feel like a fool when I wear my salmon coloured skirt out). I guess all I can say is that I've been in a very weird daze and I know that I've been very vague and complacent (insert every blog I've ever posted) but I don't think I've ever been in this much of a slump before. I'm just thankful that I have friends that know when to just let me be and talk about something completely irrelevant like what we would do if we got attacked by an eel. But hey, despite this post's title, I think I'm finally snapping back into focus. I'm actually considering releasing the emergency noose that is hanging from my ceiling light, I think i might decide to live through year 12 actually. Yes, maybe.
I handed in my second piece for today. And okay, it's really simple and maybe not as amazing or extravagant (ie. gauche, inks, metal barb-wirey-things, i don't know know what other medias other girls are usuing) as the rest of the class but I got it done and I'm actually half pleased with it. I'm actually not trying to sound like a douche, by half pleased I mean that I wish I hard experimented more with the theme of collage and that maybe I could develop it into a series because as a vce piece it doesn't seem that incredible, but I already have another series of fineliner drawings planned (when I say planned I'm referring to very basic wishful thinking). I showed my teacher the piece I handed up today and she didn't slap me across the face in disgust so I take that as a good sign and she also said that I could turn it into a series later if i had time after my third piece. She gave us back our folios today and she was in a freakishly happy mood, I honestly thought it was a trick. When she said she was thoroughly happy with everyone's folios I didn't know whether to smile or not because I felt like she was going to add a huge fat 'but' to the end but she didn't. So I just looked away, incase it really was a trick and she would penalize us for scrappy folios. Honestly, mine isn't u[ to date and I've left alotttt of pages blank and I haven't really experimented that much but she ended the two pages of notes on what i needed to improve with 'keep up the good work', so I'm just going to focus on that as I usually do.
But apart from handing up art and ridding myself of atleast that burden, I think what's really pulled me back up was going to look at all the folios and work at the Rmit Openday in the city yesterday. Okay, so I wanted to pass out numerous times because I was so overwhelmed by all the amazing work and information and yes similar to the Top Arts and Top Design excursion me and my friends freaked out at how we 'didn't stand a chance' compared to the thirty or so people that get into this course but just being surrounded by people with the same passion as me and actually living and breathing the Rmit fashion course, ohhhhh my. As lame as it is, i felt inspired again. Seeing all the beautiful folios, pocket notebooks, sketchpads filled with charcoal and watercolour sketches of pages out of Russh and Steven Stipelman-inspired sketches just made my heart race. Especially after meeting Tammy and Kara: two fashion students and definitely the nicest people in this entire world (well surely out of the whole Rmit building atleast), I just felt so much more at ease. This whole-choose-your-future-and-work-your-hardest-to-get-what-you-want-thing seems so much more real now. They were so nice to me and Julie and I don't even want to go into it here because I'll just sound like a silly school girl gushing about how nice they were, but if they ever do read this I just want to say thankyou so much for talking to us yesterday because it really calmed my nerves about what I wanted to do and made me realize that I need to get back the self confidence that I've lost in myself, because if i can then i can be an amazing Fashion student at Rmit like them. Oh, and I also need to get back into drawing and sticking things into my little notebooks. But anyway, I haven't written a long post like this in so long. I guess I just needed that week to detatch y'know? I don't know if i want to piece myself together after that funny week (smilling again, listening to dolphins because they are unselfish, eating healthier, using a ruler) yet but I do know that for now I'm just going to focus on what course I want to get into and how I'm going to decorate my new room, yay.

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