1.) The finished product of my first semesters patternmaking 101, design 101 and production 101 work. My design was modified alot but overall I am happy with the end product (despite the fact that it failed to fit the studio mannquin. Ahhh, but the assessors ie my teachers, didn't seem to be too disappointed. It's my first piece anyhow, it gives me more to improve on which gives me more to gain from. Also, it will teach me the precious lesson, no dodgy fittings and crooked cuttings and God help me if i extend that seam allowance. That will cost me.)
2.) My indie-whore-face-bitch mood board collage. The theme given was "Rock Chic." Ha ha, i know.
3.) My Judas drawing. It didn't really influence my skirt design until I did my moodboard, which alas like most design students do, put together at the end. That cross really gave me Judas vibes, I liked that.
I think in terms of precision and attention to detail I have improved a great deal on this folio compared to the first Colour Theory one we did for design 101. I mounted all my designs and re-did my trade drawings over and over again. Everyone on facebook from other unis seem to have looked at their results online, I haven't heard of anyone from my course having done so. I don't mind waiting to find out, I've never really cared much for marks. I just hope I do well on this because I tried freaken hard for once.
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