The wretched week that was the folio date is finally over and as much as I could about how much it killed my physically and mentally, I am sure I did enough complaining through out the week. I know. We get it. Folio sucked balls. I am glad that it is over. Actually, it isn't really since I still have to do promotion piece and evaluation for my design folio but I'm excited for that because that means I can photograph Isabel in the dress and blazer and I can turn it into a magazine shoot. I am really beginning to dislike the dress that I made and the fabric that I chose. I think it looks really tacky, I wish i just stuck to the jacket because the dress was so rushed and not thought through. Like alot of the things that I do, I am really inadequate, this is a joke.
But anyway, this holidays isn't really a holiday as many would know what with practice exams second week. All I feel like doing is sitting in my room for a whole week catching up on sleep and just keeping to myself. But my sister is always at home in my room so I think I'm just going to stick to really, really long walks and lots of revision. This is strange, but during that crazy week when i had two folios, a dress, a blazer, and two sacs to prepare for and hand in, I don't know. Everything just felt certain and sharp and clear. There wasn't any time for me to break down, (except for that one time) because there was litterally no time or energy to be wasted. All I did was make notes, draw and sleep for four hours a night. Sure, I was a zombie but it really gave me a place to hide from my thoughts. And as lame as that is and as much as anyone who might be reading this is most likely rolling their eyes right about now, I think I liked it better that way. From that aspect atleast. The work load killed me and drove me mental. But the keeping busy thing, that really worked for me. Now that I don't have folio anymore I feel empty and I am litterally stuck with my thoughts and my head is not a great place to be right now, trust me. I wonder if I'll ever just be happy without being angry or bitter or upset or uneasy. Well, lucky for me I won't have to wonder much longer since exam revision should well be on its way.
I also feel like going to the planetarium and just sitting there for a bit. I can't remember how much it was. I wish they just kept it open all day. I don't mind if I miss the show or anything it would just be nice to sit back and watch the fake stars. That is really all that I feel like doing right now. I shoudn't be blogging right now, but I hardly got to blog during the end of term 3 and there are so many photos and moments that I missed out on. I really want to keep on track of what I've done so far since this is the last of many things so I am going to be back on here regularly. I'm really starting to hate my I mostly do on tumblr because it is turning into a very very dark place. So if you're one of the few that follow me there, feel free to unfollow because it is a very unpleasant place to be, I know. I don't even want to be there. Gosh I don't listen to Cher for a week or two and I'm already falling to pieces.
And now after all that ranting, a little something-something.
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