Jon Chu from the Morning Benders
OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGOGMOMOMG, I am about to sound like a total girl but I have to blog this absolutely right now. I just got back from seeing the Morning Benders at the Corner Hotel and holey moley they were beyond amazing. They were so nice too! Chris talked to the crowd during the set and he even got off stage and walked into the crowd during Excuses. Ahhhhh! At the end Chris was the first to come out into the crowd and he hugged everyone, like actually did. I got a hug too, i couldn't believe it and we got photos with him on Thao's iPhone which i will probably blog tomorrow. Omg and Tim! Tim Tim Tim is quite the charmer in real life. While they were playing Thao dropped something and we was bent down and he said "Be careful" and yes ofcourse I swooned.Well, okay Thao thought he was the most awkward but omg I am so in love with Tim. He wears specs and I yelled out 'nice glasses' during the set and he said all shy and cutely 'thanks' and after when we got a photo with him he was like "oh yeah you're the glasses person" and then we had a conversation about glasses. His are from Calvin Klein hahahaa. The conversation that i held the longest was with Jon, who it turns out is half Chinese and half Irish. He was so nice too and gosh to cute up close. Chris was as Chris is, amazing, but I am so much more in love with Jon and Tim a bit more. Off stage they're just so chill and nice. It was so cute when Jon was standing near the merchandise table and when Thao and I bought a cd he was like 'yeah!" and so happy that we bought one.
Okay, i think this is enough of a lame omg-i-met-Morning-Benders spiel <3
I never want to wash my hand or my shirt ever again, I'm still can't believe we got to have an actual conversation with them. I can't wait to see the rest of the photos and I may even upload some of the vids that I took.

The Corner's dodgy stamps. I got in :)
And to think that all of this happened after weeks of worrying that I wouldn't even be allowed into the Corner. We loitered on Swan street like idiots waiting for Rob to meet us because I was so scared that I would get caught (seeing as all I had was my friends hole punched learners) but when we went in the man asked to see i.d. and he didn't even notice the little hole punch. All he did was count to see if 1992 meant that I was 18, it was rather cute. Everyone at the Corner was pretty nice, i mean afterwards when I was taking photos with Tim and I swapped sides to take another one the lady guarding the door just smiled at me.
Aww, I'm still so happy!
Signed by Jon and Tim, aw