I have this wonderful knack for starting things strong, my convictions full and my creativity bouncing all over the place. I'll feel so dedicated and driven and I'll have this image in my head of what I want. And then I have this irritating habit of giving up/not being able to go on/stopping before I ruin a good thing. I'm one of those people, great to start- shit hole to finish. That is exactly how I feel with doing homework. I'll spend my entire class drawing and coming up with ideas and then I'll feel set to finish it at home, and then i get home or worse on holidays, and I suddenly have zero motivation. I'll draw my ideas and they will look like complete crap and nothing like what I imagined in my head, I will get so turned off and I just won't look at my work again.
That is pretty much what designing my Pray For Japan/Geisha inspired line for Business Comm. felt like. GAHHHHHHHHHHH
I went on several different tangents. Kimono inspired, bold lines and print, to something more simplistic and geometric, more grunge/tribal than the brief. (The brief that I came up with, fml.) The brief being designing a range for General Pants Co. as we are in collaboration for a Pray For Japan foundation. I went on soooo many different tangents. Maybe this is what needs to be done to get your creative juices (i really hate that phrase, it sounds both dirty and lame) flowing, but i dunno. I get so annoyed when I draw something that I love and then it doesn't fit into everything else. I have so much trouble picking what I want to use and what suits the collection. I also really hate working in groups, because I don't know what I'm supposed to design to keep the cohesion. It's hard enough deciding myself what I want my own collection to be like, it's harder being in a group.

(most of my annotations, well the few that are in the last photo because I hardly have any on account of hating annotations and not knowing to write, pretty much just point out how i don't like what I've drawn.)I know in black and white they look less what you'd expect from a Japanese/Geisha inspired collection, but keep in mind that we are trying to stray as far from the stereotype as possible. We do want to interpret it differently... but even I can't deny how perhaps the only reason this works for me is that I drew little geisha buns on each croqui. Ha ha ha. I dunno, I coloured a few in after our colour palette drew it back more to the theme.
But anyway, ultimately upon reflection, I end up hating everything that I've drawn. I was even hestitant to upload these photos because seeing them on my computer screen everything just looks so yuck. But it's only bus. comm after all, not like the design element is integral. Even though, I just hate this feeling of inaddequacy and not creating something I am pleased with. Or anything good enough. I never really feel good enough. Look, its my own blog and I can't even be pleased with a few shitty sketches. Self worth for the win!