Monday, September 19, 2011
I honestly don't even know what's going on with this anymore. The theme given is a Summer Vintage Glamour range (for shirts fucking lol), you have no idea how frustrating it is to be given themes that are so broad yet restrain you in terms of the fabrics and notions that you are allowed to use. For instance, it would be extremely easy to follow a classic vintage theme, that surely the rest of the class is going to come up with, yet we are not encouraged to use any of the usual vintage fabrics ie. chiffon, this early on in the course. Oh and also the fact that this is all based on a range of shirts that have to have a certain criteria of button openings and collars etc is just ridiculous. I think they would just prefer us to mass produce a few simple mens shirts with a touch of lace for a typical 'vintage' vibe.. Lol I know, none of it makes any sense and I sound pretty angsty but it's just because non of this helps us to design a coherent and innovative collection. Let me repeat, INNOVATIVE. Sigh. That probably made no sense at all, but the point is it is very annoying. I am just so glad that we have to incorporate matching bottoms for the collection because I really want to exercise most of the colour and innovation into that area, which I have gathered inspiration from the photos above.
But anyway, I decided to incorporate as much colour and trimmings as I can because I hardly get the chance to work with a lot of colour. I may have gotten carried away with the colour/mood story that I came up with, which began with beaded collars and fringe trimming (in a cream, black and maroon colour palette, which is beautiful and regal in a way but so very boring within a class room of 20 or so fashion students) which then escalated to a bright infusion of colours circa the 1950 baby boomer era and them to the latest edition of sketches added to my sketchbook (not pictured above) of a soft pastel colour palette with lace calling a Home on The Prarie vibe. Urghhh, this is all probably so hard to visualize because in reality it is getting a bit out of hand, but let me get my three or so essays out of the way and then I can just sit down and figure out what is going on. Or as always, this will just accumulate into a massive hybrid mess of ideas. This could be both a bad thing and a good thing. I'm hoping for the latter.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
(via sportsgirl + dotti)
I'm going to Parklife in less than a weeks time (yayayyayaayyayay) and with the little time + cash that I have I need something to get something to wear quick. As you can tell I'm not really sure what look I am going for (although I do really want that headband), but I haven't been to a festival since the summer and everyone's been pretty rugged up for winter and so I just miss really it. But anywho, a little thing i like to do is check out the local chain stores and see what they have online so I can go in to their store and make a quick one stop shop purchase. Except there's not much really on offer and I don't really wear shorts so eeeep. I have this feeling that I'm going to have to dress more like a skank and less like me if you know what I mean BUT WHATEVER I JUST MISS FESTIVALS, I HOPE IT IS SUNNY AND THAT I GET A GOOD SPOT AT LYKKE LI.
I think I'll post some more about outfit ideas/inspiration later. It's nearly 2 am and I'm hungry.
Currently reading Japan Vogue, or well looking at since I cannot read japanese. I'll have to learn soon though. I wish I could read japanese or that there was a way to google translate the magazine like you can with foreign websites and then I could read the articles on Alexa Chung.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I also got to take a Kevin Murphy Colour Bug home with me from my gift bagging shift for MSFW. It is this amazing little doo-hicky that colours your hair. Think of eye shadow, but for hair. It lasts one wash and is perfect I think since the ombre trend is so beautiful but hard to commit to I reckon. Anyway, I'm just glad that it shows on my hair because colour hardly ever comes out on mine, this powdery colour highlighter is just amazing, I love it so so much. I know that it comes in orange and purple. I MUST FIND THESE AND MAKE THEM MINE.
I really love the inspiration of the powdered wigs like that of Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution which I think, at least for me, puts a refreshing spin on the ombre trend. Eeeep, it is so fun.
Just kidding, I knew when Spring began. Well not really. But seeing as last week was Melbourne Spring Fashion Week, I had an inkling. I was lucky enough to volunteer for MSFW this year ( and my lucky I mean they were lucky, because the industry honestly thrives on volunteers and we do a lot of work in terms of 'volunteering') but that being said it was highly rewarding and actually the most fun. It's not something that I recommend taking on if you have a busy schedule already, ie. long days at uni and such as I have learned the hard way, because they do need people to volunteer all day mostly. I was fortunate enough to be able to do front of house as well as back of house. What I love about this is that they really value your time and the effort you put in as a volunteer. It's an excellent opportunity to gain some experience. I've fallen short in previous volunteer positions of the same nature due to my lack of experience, and probably a zero charisma factor at interviews (I am basing this on my L'oreal Fashion Week interview which was unsuccessful and really nerve racking in my naive, fresh faced opinion.)
I really loved working with MSFW, and although at times I felt pretty damn exhausted and they themselves will not deny that some jobs are tedious and hardly glamourous (as many aspects of the fashion industry are) I can assure that you are definitely guaranteed moments of awe and spring fashion exuberance within your shifts. To my surprise everybody was beyond friendly. The people in charge, the models (oh, gosh the tall/skinny/tanned/pale/beautiful models), the other volunteers.
(images via MSFW flickr)
Unfortunately as a volunteer being backstage and what not, we weren't allowed to take photos and I was too scared to take the risk, but I have found photos from the High Tea back of house shift that I did the at the Grand Hyatt on the last day of fashion week. This High Tea was like the wrap up event to the week promoted by In Style magazine and showcased designers like Jason Grech, Lisa Ho, Leona Edminston and more. It was so lovely working back stage because you got to see the models just be normal people with their laptops reading up lecture notes as they got their hair and make up done and everybody in charge was really helpful, making sure that we knew what to do and when. I was so nervous about this shift because I had never done back of house before and was honestly so scared that I would make a mistake and ruin the whole show, but the people in charge really did take care of us. The model I dressed was really helpful as well, she was so sweet and cheerful and kept thanking me. She was honestly such a delight to work with. I told her that she was so nice and she giggled and said, "well of course, I don't see a point in being any other way," and we both just smiled.
Again,t was such a long and draining day but completely worth it. Lately I have just been in such an weird, no-motivation-out-of-design-funk but seeing all of those designer pieces just brought back the fresh feeling of exuberance that I feel when I think of fashion and innovation. Working with that last show, even though the actual dressing part of the show really only took up a small portion of the day which was devoted to setting up and taping shoes, ha, gave me back the inspiration that I've been lacking. It was also so sweet at the end when one of the co-ordinators collapsed onto the couch for fifteen minutes in silence and then came back to reality and started smiling and thanking all the volunteers for being there. I think that really sums up the fashion industry: being a lot of hard work and non stop dedication with fifteen minute power naps, most pro bono in the fashion sense, with little time to spare.

As we were the last volunteers for the week Pam wrapped us bouquets of flowers from the 1000 Pound Bend exhibit for us to take home as well as some gift bags. She was the sweetest, letting us rummage through the bags and take all the products left haha.
I know this post is heaps delayed but I've spent tonight looking at the runway shows from NYFW on tumblr and this just made me want to recap over our very own MSFW. Aw, love you Melbourne.
arthur gallan,
high tea,
jason grech,
lisa ho,
manning cartell,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Doo doo doo doo doo
Because of this I have had God Only Knows and Don't Worry Baby stuck in my head all day, eeeeeeep. It was just so so nice to just sleep in and make pancakes and relax (real relaxing, not reading something depressing or listening to depressing music relaxing.) I will just have to go into uni tomorrow and stress about my patternmaking and toile then, yay six hours of sleep for me <3
Eeep I wil post about MSFW tomorrow I promise (not that anybody even reads this but still, this is more for myself than anybody else.)
I am running low on make up and desperately need to visit Daiso soon, which reminded me that I had not yet uploaded these photos. Nor have I posted in a while. But I will this week because Melbourne Spring Fashion Week just passed and I was lucky enough to be a volunteer (although they are more lucky to have us volunteers, since they practically thrive on volunteers setting up and working our sweet behinds off, but it is worth it) and although we weren't allowed to take any photos ourselves, being behind the stage dressing the models did give me back that 'zest for life' that I've been lacking lately. I am also in the middle of my new folio, a 'Vintage Glamour' themed summer collection of tops (the brief actually makes so sense. Basically we're expected to make some shirts and match these with some bottoms, don't even get me started on this brief) but yes I'm finally back into the folio/design zone where I have direction for where I want my theme to go and I feel motivated again. I would act on that motivation if it weren't for my innate nature to laze around the house with my cat and eat pistachio nuts all day but oh well, at least I'm thinking about all the work that I have to do.
Lately I've been wearing mint green, mermaid green (picture above) and peach nails. The mint green has to be my favourite, it seems to be everyones favourite. Three dollars from The Face Shop man, god bless them. Also, I found all these old rings that I've collected over the years from my grandma. She litterally would just bring a heap of rings to my house whenever she visited, well she still does. I never really wore these because when I was young I was stupid and thought they were too grown up for me. Now I am just so glad that I still have them because they are so beautiful and simple and just what I need. I'm tired of all of my old chunky rings, these make me so happy <3
(i've been ending lots of posts with that heart lately. even on tumblr. this is getting concerning, i know.)
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