I never fully understood this song until five or so minutes ago. Sure, I heard the lyrics. I statussed them and I had them on repeat. But now, I really really understand.
"I swear our jet is crashing in my mind. You can hold on but I wouldn't waste your time. Farewell my black balloon"
It's bitter. It's cold. It's hopeless. No dull moments to let you forget and make another mistake. It's inevitable.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Yes I have stayed home from school because of a boy
It's amazing how easy it is pretend to be sick to stay home because of a boy rather than pretend to be sick just because you're lazy and probably didn't do your homework.

Peyton: It’s gonna be okay. Just.. step away from the cake. You have too much to live for.
Brooke: Like what?
Haley: We missed you at school today.
Brooke: I couldn’t handle it. You guys, how am I am gonna face Lucas if I can’t even face a locker her decorated for me?
Aw, I hardly ever find or post happy scenes in One Tree Hill. They're usually Team Brooke ones or Peyton being a sad loon over Lucas.

Peyton: It’s gonna be okay. Just.. step away from the cake. You have too much to live for.
Brooke: Like what?
Haley: We missed you at school today.
Brooke: I couldn’t handle it. You guys, how am I am gonna face Lucas if I can’t even face a locker her decorated for me?
Aw, I hardly ever find or post happy scenes in One Tree Hill. They're usually Team Brooke ones or Peyton being a sad loon over Lucas.
Hotel, motel, holiday in
I am home on a saturday night because I don't live in Doncaster and my parents are out partying.
Thankfully for me Julie couldn't go either because she was working late so she came over to mine.

We like to pretend we have dimples. Well I do. And here they are. Forced and dented.

I should form like "crash at mine" business if you're parents won't let you to a party an hour and a half away :)
Thankfully for me Julie couldn't go either because she was working late so she came over to mine.
We like to pretend we have dimples. Well I do. And here they are. Forced and dented.
I should form like "crash at mine" business if you're parents won't let you to a party an hour and a half away :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Bat owl

This is my new friend Elizabeth. No I didn't make her up, although this is a picture of a girl dressed up as an owl and no she isn't really new -like I just met her five minutes ago new- but anyway this is her. She actually lives really close to me which I found sweet and she may or may not be able to come to me and Khoas bday but in case she does I think this is what she should go as. I know the drawings average but it took me three days because for most of it I stopped drawing cause it started to look like Peyton's angel of death but they're actually owl wings because she likes owls. I had to scan it on a diagonal and add more paper to the page with sticky tape because her legs go on for days and she has this really cool fringe, but she got a hair cut so I don't know what it looks like anymore. She likes those pedo emoticons like I do and she always starts the convos first. She's pretty cool :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I woulnd't wish this upon anyone
I know how bad frienships can get, but now some of my close friends are having it happen to them too. It's a horible thing and feeling. The universe is getting out of order. I don't like seeing my friends hurt or picked on.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My life needs meaning again.
So therefore I have found my new meaning in life.
As if you didn't know, his name is James Franco and it has become my new mission in life to watch every movie ever made which stars James Franco. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it sooner! Maybe because I was so sad before but yay new meaning life.
So far I can cross off the following from the list.
Never Been Kissed

So he wasn't in the film much and I don't really remember him saying anything but he played one of the cool kids alongside Jessica Alba, who also didn't say much.
Spider man

Aw, he played Peter's best friend Harry. Nice, glasses wearing, before-he-turned-evil-and-vengeful Harry.
Spider man 2

But then by the end of the second film Harry wants to kill Spider man for the death of his father and then he becomes hate-filled and really mega pissed off. Angry James Franco is really hot too.
Spider man 3

My faaaave out of the three. He sort of flirts with Mary Jane even though she's with Peter and then he goes up to Peter and says something about feeding her strawberries all sexily.... I loved her hair in this movie too. I love Spider man but James Franco and Kirsten Dunst are two of my favourite actors.
Tristan and Isolde

I have to be serious for a moment. I completely cried in this movie. It's so sad and he's topless half the time and they quote The Good Morrow by John Dunne and it's become one of my favourites. Except the fight scenes are too gruesome for me, ew.
Pineapple Express

"I thought hurricane season was over" Even as a stoned drug dealer he's still a sexy motherfucker.
The list of movies he's in that I have to watch
So far I can cross off the following from the list.
Never Been Kissed
So he wasn't in the film much and I don't really remember him saying anything but he played one of the cool kids alongside Jessica Alba, who also didn't say much.
Spider man
Aw, he played Peter's best friend Harry. Nice, glasses wearing, before-he-turned-evil-and-vengeful Harry.
Spider man 2
But then by the end of the second film Harry wants to kill Spider man for the death of his father and then he becomes hate-filled and really mega pissed off. Angry James Franco is really hot too.
Spider man 3
My faaaave out of the three. He sort of flirts with Mary Jane even though she's with Peter and then he goes up to Peter and says something about feeding her strawberries all sexily.... I loved her hair in this movie too. I love Spider man but James Franco and Kirsten Dunst are two of my favourite actors.
Tristan and Isolde
I have to be serious for a moment. I completely cried in this movie. It's so sad and he's topless half the time and they quote The Good Morrow by John Dunne and it's become one of my favourites. Except the fight scenes are too gruesome for me, ew.
Pineapple Express
"I thought hurricane season was over" Even as a stoned drug dealer he's still a sexy motherfucker.
The list of movies he's in that I have to watch
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
B. Davis
This really made my day when I read it. Apart from the fact that she posted that on my wall two days ago maybe, it still makes my day. Jill iss my B. Davissssssss. Pretty much the only other person who like myself can conduct a whole conversation based on One Tree Hill Quotes. Hoes over broesss. Me and her are gonna write a book one day and we're gonna be super mega freaken famous.
Monday, December 7, 2009
He only leaves good wishes behind
Awwww, I'll miss that boy while he's overseas probably becoming a famous asian super star or stocking up on pirated dvds. I hope when he comes back he's still my best boy friend.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Where the wild things are

Khoa, Elizabeth and I watched Where the Wild Things are today. Amidst three bogus payphones, unreachable parents, Cheap Mondays and helium balloons the day was still so good. We went to the Melbourne Design market which just made me want to run home and turn my room into a little Factory of arts and crafts and we bumped into Julie coincidentally while she was out with her bestfriend. Aw.
I need to buy this movie when it comes out. Like buy-buy it. It was so beautiful and magical and although there wasn't so much of a strong story plot and alot of it was confusing and random, it just made sooooo so much sense to me. It gave me hope and happiness and reminded me of how easy things were when we were kids and how things could be if we just let it be.
'It's going to be a place where only the things you want to happen, would happen'
Saturday, December 5, 2009
We don't have no control
I don't wanna waste your time, I don't wanna waste your time
I just wanna say, I've got to say
We were young darling
We don't have no control, we're under control
Grandmother Queen
It's no secret that my grandmother is a hoarder. Seriously, you go into her St.Kilda flat and there's no space to move or sit because it's packed with junk that probably dates back to the 60's. Her and my grandfather collect so much junk and my grandfather in particular hates throwing anything away. Their place is actually quite cute, its green and the shelves are filled with all sorts of goodies I feel like im in an opshop that I've lived in my whole life. Anywho she comes by every fortnight and she always has something to bring. My parents get annoyed cause she always brings me 50 of the same thing and half the time it sort of is junk but I like it anyway. She brought 30 or so rings over today because dad wanted to melt some of her jewellry into gold so he could make a chain, I'm pretty sure she freaked and returned her rings back to her jewellry collection in her flat because she lives for a breathes for jewellry. But she brought them all on a chain and when I saw it I thought 'wow that looks like a pretty damn cool necklace." I couldn't keep her rings because if i take something once she comes back the next week with even more and I'm already quite the hoarder myself so I thought I could use all the rings she's given me in the past and make my own necklace. Unfortunately all the chunky ones I used looked really good did my neck in so I had to stick to the skinny ones but oh well.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanks Ess
Cherleen says (12:21 AM):
Cherleen says (12:22 AM):
*SWIMS is SWIMS when you look at it upside down?
*you'e probably seen it on facebook
*but it's ah-mazing
LOLA, WAIT; (um) says (12:23 AM):
*Upside down?
That made me smile, and I haven't smiled in the like last hour.
Cherleen says (12:22 AM):
*SWIMS is SWIMS when you look at it upside down?
*you'e probably seen it on facebook
*but it's ah-mazing
LOLA, WAIT; (um) says (12:23 AM):
*Upside down?
That made me smile, and I haven't smiled in the like last hour.
Traitor Girl

Girl A: Do you two stilll talk?
Me: Umm, kinda.
Girl A: Ohhh. Well it's nothing but yeah I just saw your friend go with him. Like with him. It looked like they went together.
Me: Ahhh, yeah they do that sometimes. They went last time too.
Girl A: I just wandered if you knew coz yeah it looked like they were together. Are they a couple now? Doesn't she know?
Me: She does.
Girl A: Oh. I just thought cause yknow...
Me: Yeah I do. But I can't tell her what to do.
Girl A: Yeah that's true but there's ethics y'know. I walk away. Yes I do know.
I cannnnnnnot believe you! I don't care. I really want to tell myself that I don't care but I do! And it's not because of what you did it's because you keep doing it. You're one of my bestest friends, yet you can't see how much this hurts me! Whats hurts the most is that you think nothing is wrong and yet someone who I thought didn't even care about me anymore can come up to me and tell that something is not right. How is that? You're one of my best friends. And she just stopped being by best friend two years ago, yet even she can see that you crossed a line you weren't supposed to? I am really trying here. I don't want to hold this resentment towards any friend I have and I don't want to keep anything from you but you keep soooo much from me. Things that hurt me, how can you not know?! This, this is why I never showed you old blogs. I have so much to say to you but you don't deserve to hear it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Real Girls
Thaosie and Fiffy Chu Ping Seng
Lars and the Real Girl
Salmon, grainwaves and white tim tams
My favourite One tree hill scenes
They love me so much that they'll endure me ranting on and skipping to my favourite scenes
Those sweethearts
My fail attempt at indie cat paw hands. I can't believe I put this up, but it's too funny not too
Lars and the Real Girl
Salmon, grainwaves and white tim tams
My favourite One tree hill scenes
They love me so much that they'll endure me ranting on and skipping to my favourite scenes
Those sweethearts
One Tree Hill Favourites

PEYTON: Why do I care? Brooke, this has been one of the worst years of my life. And I needed my best friend more than ever. And you cut me out because I was honest with you… and you were never ever honest with me.
BROOKE: Peyton…
PEYTON: You made fun of my mom’s death, Brooke. You knew her, you cried with me when she died.. and now? You use her as a punch line for some joke to hurt me. It hurt. It did. But not anymore because you and me, we’re done. You’re right, she’s dead. But as far as I’m concerned, so are you.
You weren't there and I guess because of that it's made letting go easier.
People are wrong, each time it happens it doesn't get easier. But it gets clearer. People come and go but you just have to toughen up and deal with it. Because people will always, always disappoint you so you have to just learn to be there for yourself. I completely empathised with Peyton when she said she needed her best friend more than ever, but ultimately you can't always rely on someone. No one can help you, you're really the only person you have. So yeah, I'll always care. But if I want to get better you just have to stop caring sometimes. We're selfish, we're Gen Y and we only care about ourselves.
brooke davis,
gen y,
one tree hill,
team peyton
I'm listening to Coldplay, come stop me!
And the hardest part was letting go not taking part, it was the hardest part
And that is why I've made this new blog. I can't promise, like I hoped, to keep my blogs happy and light because I just can't. But for my sanity I've decided the only angst blogs I will write are ones about One Tree Hill and ones from lyrics because lyrics people have enough thoughts and emotions to last them a life time..
First posts are so awkward

I'm guessing you can't read whats underneath in my messy scrawl, but it says;
"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart was broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten up her own."
I honestly believe that I used to be that girl but I know well enough that I'm not that girl anymore. I guess I'm hoping that in this new blog I can try to be her again.
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