PEYTON: Why do I care? Brooke, this has been one of the worst years of my life. And I needed my best friend more than ever. And you cut me out because I was honest with you… and you were never ever honest with me.
BROOKE: Peyton…
PEYTON: You made fun of my mom’s death, Brooke. You knew her, you cried with me when she died.. and now? You use her as a punch line for some joke to hurt me. It hurt. It did. But not anymore because you and me, we’re done. You’re right, she’s dead. But as far as I’m concerned, so are you.
You weren't there and I guess because of that it's made letting go easier.
People are wrong, each time it happens it doesn't get easier. But it gets clearer. People come and go but you just have to toughen up and deal with it. Because people will always, always disappoint you so you have to just learn to be there for yourself. I completely empathised with Peyton when she said she needed her best friend more than ever, but ultimately you can't always rely on someone. No one can help you, you're really the only person you have. So yeah, I'll always care. But if I want to get better you just have to stop caring sometimes. We're selfish, we're Gen Y and we only care about ourselves.
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