Girl A: Do you two stilll talk?
Me: Umm, kinda.
Girl A: Ohhh. Well it's nothing but yeah I just saw your friend go with him. Like with him. It looked like they went together.
Me: Ahhh, yeah they do that sometimes. They went last time too.
Girl A: I just wandered if you knew coz yeah it looked like they were together. Are they a couple now? Doesn't she know?
Me: She does.
Girl A: Oh. I just thought cause yknow...
Me: Yeah I do. But I can't tell her what to do.
Girl A: Yeah that's true but there's ethics y'know. I walk away. Yes I do know.
I cannnnnnnot believe you! I don't care. I really want to tell myself that I don't care but I do! And it's not because of what you did it's because you keep doing it. You're one of my bestest friends, yet you can't see how much this hurts me! Whats hurts the most is that you think nothing is wrong and yet someone who I thought didn't even care about me anymore can come up to me and tell that something is not right. How is that? You're one of my best friends. And she just stopped being by best friend two years ago, yet even she can see that you crossed a line you weren't supposed to? I am really trying here. I don't want to hold this resentment towards any friend I have and I don't want to keep anything from you but you keep soooo much from me. Things that hurt me, how can you not know?! This, this is why I never showed you old blogs. I have so much to say to you but you don't deserve to hear it.

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