I'm not going to list any, if you've been talking to me lately then you will most likely have heard some.
I am listening to Whitney.
I accidentally deleted 9 gigs of music and movies.
I am certain that unless I answered those first four questions from my further sac today, my hopes of passing the pathetic 30 percent marks will be shattered. Yes, the pass is 30. That is incredibly low and yet I still manage to be dangling between a pass and a fail. I should have dropped maths. My brain does not function that way and lately it seems as though it does not function at all. I hate maths.
I failed to submit my chapter review so I will most likely receive a result pending, my maths teacher who is a really, really (I mean apologizes for writing too many notes on the board and apologizes after he yells at us and thinks he's been too harsh when he hasn't really been that harsh at all) nice and sweet man who i've nicknamed Dulspunky looked really disappointed in me. I hated that.
I'm trying to finish my chapter review now but I'm getting almost all the questions in Short Answer wrong, which probably reflects why I did so poorly in the second half of the test today.
I have a bunch of drawings (when i say a bunch i mean four that aren't even drawings but just squiggly using a fineliner to draw what looks like my hair) that I see no potential in. Apparently there must be a reason why I keep drawing flowers over my face and incorporating them in my art work but like i said, i don't think anymore so I have no idea.
And I can only afford the negatives for my 120 film. What am i going to do with negatives. My teeth look horrible in negatives
We have parent teacher interviews next week. My parents have never, ever been. They have no idea how shit I'm doing. They think I'm doing fine. So pretty much this has all been a lie, fuck my life when they find out.
It appears that I'm back into that lull of where I only blog when i am in horrible, shitty shit shit moods. This being one of them.
I wanted to go to bed early tonight but seeing as I am hardly done with my homework I will most likely regret taking the time to post this soon as I click publish.
I love you.