Sooooo all my friends are out living up their youth while I'm at home rocking backwards and forth.
Actually I have left over pizza, cheesecake, belgian chocolate, chai and The City to watch so it's safe to say I've definitely been worse. For once and very briefly I feel like actually doing folio so maybe it's good I'm home for the night.
Just kidding (not about the food I do have all of that and I have eaten all of it), I wish I was out with my friends. After getting very angsty and angry I decided to go to Melbourne Uni's Experience Melbourne day instead because you know me I love thinking about my future and explaining to strangers what I want from life (if you do know me you'll know that's what I hate most.) Despite wishing i was out right now, it turned out to be kinda fun and the rest of my day wasn't so bad. After being sworn to secrecy, Jill and I went to our new secret street (shoes, dresses, quiches omnomnomnom) and I would have really nice photos to show from today but my camera didn't have its memory card so all those photos just ended up deleting anyway, fml.
Wow, y'know I kinda feel like Joanne (sister of my soul) sitting here and blogging about my day and even putting up a webcam photo. Look at me all chill with my fringe pinned up, eyes pufffy and my pizza smile in my face. I'm kinda like a junk food version of Cher from Clueless when she veges out watching cartoon's whilst brushing her hair except right now I feel drowsy from all the junk food that I've consumed in the past three days.
Resume to normal vague blogging nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow.
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