I drew these the last time we had art prac at school. I didn't have anything prepared to show my teacher since we'd just finished first piece, and to be honest I hadn't even finished folio for that, and so as usual Isabel and I were in panic mode for suffering Digiglio's wrath. My plan was to sit in class and get straight into some drawings so it looked like I knew what I was doing. It's funny because I'm pretty sure Dig just avoids me and Isabel in class because she knows we havent' done the work. Half the time we're dancing to skank n hoe anyway, so its good that she leaves us alone with our half finished works of art.
Anyway, she expects us to be close to production for our second piece by the time we get back to school, which is like three days away. Goddamn lady, I'm not made of final pieces this is pretty much all I have. I've had some ideas here and there (most very angsty and stupid). These two drawings seem pretty raw. When Dig saw the second one she said it was disturbing but I assured her I just really, really wanted to get a new hair cut. She liked the first one, she said it reminded her of Frida Kahlo (the whacky floral headpieces, kinda cool), which kinda made me happy since I read one of her books the other day and so I guess it has just creeped up into my work. I spent the rest of that lesson in the library searching Frida Kahlo and I have to make some annotations of her work right now for folio. Despite the funky one eye brow and the way she eerily depicts herself and her heart ache, I really really like her work; especially for the latter reasons.
I have no idea what I can do for my second piece, I'm open to any suggestions. Seriously all I can think of right now is submitting a video in which you see me drawing something and then I set it on fire or begin to rub it all out. That kinda appeals to me right now though
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