I'm Zabrena Lopez, we met at the french festival and I was wearing the pink floral patterned smock dress with the frilly jabot at the front that you liked. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to email you, I've been so swamped with revision for my final exams but I have emailed to say that I would love to make your daughter a dress perhaps after exams if you're still interested. If you want, I could draw up some sketches and fabric options and email them to you by the end of october-beginning of november (after my exams finish) and if you're still interested then I would love to discuss making one for your daughter.
You can email me anytime if you have any ideas or requests. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and it was lovely to meet you that day!
ps. I love your shop! I just checked out your website and it's the most fun to browse through.
Sincerely, Zabrena.
How does that sound? I'm going to email that to the lady that I met at the french festival who wanted me to make her daughter a dress. She was so sweet! She asked about my dress and Jill told her that I made it and then next thing I knew she was giving me her card and her daughters size and she seemed really keen on having a dress made. Aw, I hope she replies. It would be so much fun to make kids clothing! I really should have emailed her sooner but I was too scared and I often put off things out of fear that they won't happen. Sigh, wish me luck!
These are some sweet things that I found off her shop's website http://www.redwagon.net.au:
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