Sunday, December 5, 2010


Or not since I'm back to spending countless hours blogging on the computer. I've also gotten back into Sims 3, what with school over and shit. It's kinda funny since I spend most of my day helping out with the new house and then I plays Sims and do the exact thing. I'm still seventeen, gimme a break.


Ew. The last thing I posted about was 1984. CAN WE NOT. Shit sandwhich, I haven't blogged for over a month. Well now that school and my last uni preference interview is almost over (two days to go) I can resume life back on blogspot, yay! A few things that have changed since my last crazy-school-exam-mode post:
- I have moved to the middle of nowhere, well Deer Park for those people who refer to it as a somewhere, but for me it is a hole where the busses only pass every half an hour, end at 7:30 pm and the bus stops don't even have seats. Perhaps you're thinking these seats have been stolen but no, we've moved into new Deer Park so there is alot of dirt and things still being built that the walk to the bus stop is a little roadless and benchless.
- We've had the official graduation-graduation ceremony which was pretty much a silly awards night where the year twelves were whipped out at the last minute and processed out of a school function for the last time. Oddly, out of all the things: clearing out of school, our farewell Valedictory mass, our last assembly and the last day of school where we all cried bucketloads, I didn't actually feel the crazy urge to start balling out my eyes until that last graduation. Which was pretty odd since me Isabel and I spent the whole awards evening with her ipod quietly dancing in our seats to Walk Like An Egytpian and Warp.
-My Boxhill and Kangan interviews which actually went quite well. Well in the sense that the interviewers did not eat me and leave my carcass on the side of the road. They were so super nice and didn't say anything horrible or tore apart my dresses for poor construction. The interviewers at Kangan seemed impressed that I lined my blazer, damn straight since my hands almost fell off attaching that sonofabittch lining.
- The Rmit Design Exercise which gets it's own paragraph because that exercise was crazy nuts. It was a very intense two hours where I had to draw three outfits, including thorough developmental work, with the only aid of two inspirational images: an egg and something that resembled spiky; layered; ruffles of cardboard. See, I cannot even explain what it was. I did sit to this nice boy who went to a school somewhere in Essendon but I cannot remember his name which is a shame since he was the one person I got to talk to in that room full of 'fashion savvy' people haha. His colouring pencils were in a big tub and when the two hours were up he turned to me and said, 'that's the first time I've ever drawn clothing.' Ha! His name may be Joel, I don't know he looked like a Joel. And since then I got an email saying that I got an interview at Rmit city campus so yay, but kinda not since I'm shit scared.
- We got a 3D tv: enough said
- We had our Year 12 formal which was overall a pretty good night considering the past formal for comparison.
- Finally getting to celebrate our long awaited Too Many Dicks graduation party. I swore I would never smoke and drink again because I woke up feeling like absolute shit, but despite the morning after regrets, it was damn worth it.
- I used up my last polaroids about two or three days ago which was a little sad but it was for graduation night so probably the best way to use them.
- I watched Harry Potter. Yes there have been mixed reviews but Ron was damn sexy and that's all I really care about. I know. Angry, half naked Ron (was he ever half naked in that film? I can't recall but in my memory he was ha) and I get all jelloid. Silly girl.
- I cannot think of anything else because I am starting to get paranoid over how long this post is going, but omg I forgot-
- I GOT A PHONE. Yes. First mobile phone ever. Yes. I know!

Recap post over, I'm finally free. You get the picture.

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